Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I am usually
a prim and proper
noun, standing tall
in every sentence –
no tittles or cross strokes
reaching the height of
my definition –
but some days are different:

the paragraphs are tight
they don’t leave room
for any subject
I cite,
not even in the space
of indentations

so I linger
without transition

between margins
and sometimes
I feel

my letters

their eyes
zone out
or maybe
well up with tears

taper even more
becoming invisible

legs and arms start to
leaving blotches of ink
on the text intact

I feel the irrelevance
of me

I definitely feel
the irrelevance
of me


with the contents of a rule book
that I never really understood.

Just expunge me, please.
Paint over me thickly
with the most concealing

Monday, August 27, 2012


I never miss you
because we hold hands
in everseconds -
no ticks
no tocks -
just endless time,

No alarm! Just
the darling we
of you
and me
perpetually) -
as the we
of you
and me
cannot ever be

a memory.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Painful Recovery

If you love me
stab me

with the truth.

This will hurt less
than bandaging me

with lies

numbing me

and then forcing me
to peel them all off

a day too much later.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Changing Scenery

I haven’t sat here
since the day you told me
you didn’t feel the same

but something about it
has changed.

The table is still metal black
the seats are still oddly cold
but the sunlight has made it new somehow –
everything is plated in gold.

I would be forced to pass this place before
and get a strange knot in my throat
but right now I’m leaning, scribbling, humming a song
and my smile is staying afloat.

The tree in front of me
is poised just like I am
its leaves are relaxed and ruffling

and the mourning dove is not mourning
the rush of cars isn’t rushing
there isn’t a single cloud overhead
and there are blades of luscious green
between bricks of stony red.

There is a smile in the stiffness
of the kingfisher’s narrow beak
there is cheer in the flutter
of the sparrow’s shower
there is love in the glide
of the starling’s wings
and in my writing hand

there is power.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Go Ahead

seal my windows with the
blackest of curtains
force night
upon my heydays
and then
when the zen
of night commences
and stars glimmer
on a cerulean ceiling
drown me
in caffeine
shine me
with white lights
but remember
a part of me
is still circadian

there is a sun
in my skull
and there is a moon
in each eye
there is a song looping
through my veins
there is percussion
setting my bones
and the city beat
drums on
against my endless

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deal Breaker

It's not worth the pain

if our laughter was never loud

in the eye-rolling crowd.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

After Four Years

I’m picking hearts off the wall
pink ones and yellow ones
made of construction paper
symmetrical and scattered

and with them go my postcards -
Spain, France, and England -

my portraits in red ink
(in constant self-revision)

and love poems and bumper stickers which say concisely
precisely what I believe.

I’m picking stars off the wall
each one filled in sharpie ink
with words of the greats

and then I take down letters
and cards, decorated so artfully
by people who were even there
through the tearful nights
they never saw.

I’m putting all of this in a narrow box
that fits every shape, size, and color

and I’m leaving it open

because I know nothing will fall out.

I’m sitting on this sheetless bed
and staring at walls I forgot were white. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Five Stars Without a Twinkle

The mood right now isn’t coffee-shop

or fancy-elevator-ride,

Darling, it’s raining neon colors

and flooding liquid gold outside!

Sorry, I couldn’t get my dress tailored

or buy those achromatic heels,

but I bought these flip flops freshly tattered

for special occasions like these!

So please, let’s leave this tinted glass

and barge through the chiming door;

this napkin of silk you’ve draped across my lap

is setting us up for a lengthy bore:

Look, it catches the spills and rifts in class

but it can’t catch the thundering breeze;

and the polished silverware on the marble tabletop?

It’s just too hard to please.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Poem Transfer

I've decided to transfer everything I wrote for pedij.tumblr.com to this blog. Sorry for not posting anything for so long - I've been writing, I swear! :) First, I'll post everything I wrote in June/July, and then I'll gradually get to things I've written afterwards.